
Matt's stuff

While I listen to the song you post a couple of days before, I'll type what's on my notebook:

After having read a german phrasebook with slang things, a kind of sexual phrasebook, it is compulsory for me to write some random stuff about Matt's life or whatever. Today I feel like writing also but what's on my head I cannot truly share because I guess I don't want to be understood.


At this point of his life Matt is a mess. He broke up with his lesbian couple to find life in its many broad sense. Let's be honest. He needed sex. He wanted sex. He needed so bad to be fingered. Since he discovered he was a special guy, he enjoyed being fingered by a woman who could appreciate him. Disgusting. Honest. True. Truth hurts.

He doesn't explain things so often, he doesn't have the need to do so. Girls have noticed and they treat him kindly. Matt's finding his way in life and for that purpose he should not feel for anyone but for him. But he always finds obstacles. He fucking falls for charming but he is trying to control that. Charming is emptiness anhd he must stare straight and be faithful to himself. You know, when you find a woman everything's so fascinating but men should control that, men should control. Fuck testosterone.

Now he doesn't feel for anyone. Finally, he made it. So clear, so cold. Nothing inside to come up. He just wants to be fingered and smell women, to have women in his face. Right there.

Maybe expressing his feelings and thoughts to a german girl: 'Ich möchte mi dem Finger gefickt sein. Vielen dank kleine Schlampe'. And that's it. And that's all. No love allowed here, even maybe no hook up allowed here at all.

Matt needs body freedom. Is that selfish? Not at all if we take into account that Matt has been unable to release his nothing. His fucking nothing. But he can release him in every story, in every dream, in every drunken sex as if he had taken drugs and got high.

He enjoys himself so much reading stuff about different languages he finds interesting or he finds himself loving them. He finally left aside and gave up Scottish Gaelic grammar because that's fucking brain-exhausting and has no one to contrast information with. Poor Matt.

By the way, he met again with german which he enjoys the most. It's a pity he has no one, again, to share this geek-funny things he finds in a language.

He is trying hard to fit in. You know...to fit in his group again and be read as a complete and handsome guy. The hardest part is past. You know, past is always there. Past is a huge and thick rope around his neck but with  new people he is meeting, he feels he fits in his head and as I said before, he doesn't have the need to explain anything.

He had forgotten what was to scream loud because he felt pain and fucking pleasure at the same time and what awoke him and his body. And put body first and pleasure than other emotional stuff. He has promised himself not to feel guilty for being loved and fucked as Matt. Not anymore.

And that's what he found in his group also: freedom, drinks, drugs, cars, women and sex. And also paella. But specially the previous.

And like a religious pray, he must follow that lust and cover his face with a woman's pussy and die there til the hangover reminds him he should go to work like the rest of the slaves. Just like the rest of slaves who find their lives stuck into work and drunken cold sex. Stare straight. Stay focus. Stay strong. Stay a man if you dare.

Matt's just like the rest. He needs to be drunk to lose control over his life and let his body flow. You realise it when you find yourself in a spiral of drinks and drugs and you feel fucking free but that's an illusion. It never happens truly. You never release yourself truly. Matt met a girl. And to conect with her he has to be drunk. Well, both. It is like a rithual and then they laugh and then they fuck. It's not healthy sex but it is sex and have sober sex can be dangerous so, why have sober sex when you can have drunken sex and even forget you exist? They're not looking for anything in particular but they might be chasing their true and healthy love for their self-esteem.


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